Nov. 14th, 7pm-Making a winter container with Lynn Lavoie

The Lakefield Horticultural Society invites you to learn about creating winter planters with their guest speaker Lynn Lavoie. The meeting will be held at the Lakefield Marshland Centre, Hague blvd. Tuesday Nov. 14th at 7pm.

Lynn will bring along lots of winter greenery plus accessories and invite a few guests to try their hand at making a beautiful winter container as well. Using a variety of hardy  greens such as pine, holly berries, colourful branches and accessories, Lynn will give some easy and practical tips so guests can create their own containers.

In addition there will be a short annual general meeting with board members and executive being installed for the 2024 year.

This a free event and guests are welcome to attend.

Thank you  to Anna from Anna’s perennials for the beautiful photograph.


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