June 13th, 6pm – Walkabout at Blossom Hill Nursery
Joe and Hazel Cook will give us a tour of their beautiful property in Selwyn Township (Fowler’s Corners) during peak blooming time. They breed and grow Delphiniums and Peonies! (Members from Omemee, Ennismore and Peterborough have also been invited.) www.blossomhillnursery.com
To add some interest to the tour, there will be a treasure hunt!! No charge to attend. Bring your camera!! It will be a good idea to carpool as parking is limited.
There are bee hives on the propery in a separate location from the peonies. It’s recommended that you stay away from the bee hives as the bees don’t like company. BUT-they do have Epi-pens on hand just in case.