Dot Smith-Prize winner!

P1090139Dot Smith (Centre) a long time volunteer of the Lakefield Horticultural Society received the District Service Award at the Horticultural Associations District 4 June celebration June 8th, 2016

(Pictured with Anne Stone, President and Dianne Westlake, District 4 director)

Dot has given The Lakefield Horticultural Society so much since she joined in 1998. Among her many contributions are secretary since 2003, bus tour coordinator for years, guardian of village planters and the sign garden at the entrance to the Village along highway 29, and other volunteer tasks too numerous to mention.

Village residents may have met her on the street, seen her planting or watering one of the gardens in the Village. Business owners happily chat with Dot when she looks for ads for the society’s yearbook too.  Please join us in congratulating her!

The board and society members congratulate Dot on the very well deserved award!

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