Dedication in memory of Marg Goode


On Thursday July 19th, 2018, members of Lakefield Horticultural and Lakefield Lionesses were joined by family, friends and Mayor Mary Smith (Pictured) to honor Marg Goode.
The Society has placed a plaque in the Cenotaph Garden in her Honor.

Marg, was an active life charter member of The Lakefield Horticultural Society for 54 years, president, flower judge, she won the “Hazel Wilson” award in 2012 and above all a very kind warm person. Members of the Society miss her very much.

Marg’s family was also in attendance and were very appreciative of the dedication to their mother and grandmother and great grandmother.

Pictured is Marg’s son Paul and his wife Jan, Their daughter-in-law Shawna Goode and children Clair, Hannah and Matt Goode

Together the two groups, Lakefield Horticultural Society and  The Lakefield Lionesses, represented by President Norma Jones, dedicated a plaque to honour her dedication to both groups.









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