A night full of awards, honours and dedications

Tuesday, October 15th, 2014 the society had a number of awards presented at their meeting.
DSC_6529 (1)Beryl Harris was honoured by the Ontario Horticultural Society, District Four for her many years of dedicated service with our local society as well as for serving as District director for many years. Beryl has been president and served many terms on The Lakefield Society’s board and spent countless hours volunteering in various positions.

A sundial has been installed outside of the Marshland centre in her honour! Photo left is with current District 4 Director Rose O’Dell and John Sellars past president of the OHA and long time board member. John is also a longtime friend of Beryls.



photo 2Brenda Ibey also received an award. The District Four Horticultural Service Certificate is given for “Meritorious Service to Horticulture.”
Presented by the Assistant District director Carol Mitchell.
Brenda is the Society’s media person, web site editor, newsletter editor, past president, and current board member. She has been a member for 39 years!





The Society also dedicated a tree which was planted down by the beach along the river. It was purchased by the society with a grant from the District. Society president Anne Stone and the District Director Rose
O’Dell can be seen hugging the tree.





And lastly our society gave out two educational bursary to students pursuing horticulture, agriculture or other environmental studies.  DSC_6533Usually we give just one award, but this year there were two deserving students. The winners are Meg Bethune and Brett Hilker.

Pictured: Linda Unrau (Treasurer) presents Meg Bethune with her bursary.

Meg lives in Lakefield
Attended: St. Peter’s Catholic Secondary School
Post Secondary: Trent University – Environment and Resource Studies

Brett Hilker
Brett’s home is in Douro-Dummer
Attended: Lakefield and District Secondary School
Post Secondary: University of Guelph – Bachelor of Science in Agriculture. Unfortunately Brett couldn’t attend the meeting as we was in exams in Guelph.

The Lakefield Horticultural Society installs and maintains a number of flower beds around the village and pays for the hanging baskets that are enjoyed throughout the summer by many residents and visitors.

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