YouTube channel videos

We’ve had a YouTube channel for a while. Being on CHEX TV fairly often over the years gave us some great content to share!

This past summer with the help of Anita Locke we made a short video about our pollinator garden located in Isabel Morris park.

In 2017 some members of the Lakefield Horticultural Society, established, with the permission of Selwyn Township, a pollinator garden in the southwest corner of Isabel Morris Park. A pollinator garden is one which provides food and nesting sites for pollinators such as bees, butterflies, birds and bats. The area is surrounded by shrubbery with a pathway leading to the centre, where a “bee house” is situated. This is an 18”x11” box, filled with blocks of wood, logs, stems and cones, all drilled with holes. Solitary bees lay their eggs in the tunnels or holes, and then seal the entrance. On a warm day many small bees can be seen going in and out of the tunnels. With more than 700 native species in Canada, bees are the most common pollinator. Other pollinators include: butterflies, moths, wasps, flies, some beetles, hummingbirds and even bats! The garden is planted with native and some non native plants that purposefully attract pollinators with their nectar and pollen. Plants such as echinacea, liatris, butterfly weed, goldenrod, and serviceberry provide an important food source for pollinators. The surrounding meadow of Isabel Morris Park is also very inviting to pollinators. Thank you Ontario Horticultural Association and The Peterborough Pollinators Group for funds to help us install and maintain this garden. Thank you to Anita Locke for producing this video and also Pam Chellew, Anne Stone and Brenda Ibey for sharing your knowledge of pollinators and pollinator gardens. Volunteers are always welcome to help maintain the gardens in Lakefield. Contact the society for more information. Helpful links:

If you have an account on YouTube, please follow us. We need more followers to get a better URL. Thanks!

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