Lakefield in Bloom, Annual Flower Show-Tuesday June 18th 7:00pm



Every year the Society presents an excellent show of our communities beautiful flowers.   Many flowers are bursting into bloom at this time of year such as begonias, carnations, pansies, Iris, petunias, phlox, roses, sweet peas, columbines, Canterbury bells, delphiniums etc. You must be a member to enter your flowers, so be sure to join up before the flower show.

roseshowYou don’t have to be a member to attend this terrific show and admission is free!

We have many people exhibit their beautiful tulips, daffodils, bleeding hearts, iris and so many other spring flowers. There are also some beautiful arrangements designed by members using flowers from their gardens. A terrific showing of flowers as usual by our exuberant members. A great way to get the season going!

Flowers to be placed by participants between 4 and 5:15pm. Judging begins at 5:30pm

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