Lakefield in Bloom, Annual Flower Show-Tuesday June 18th 7:00pm



Every year the Society presents an excellent show of our communities beautiful flowers.   Many flowers are bursting into bloom at this time of year such as begonias, carnations, pansies, Iris, petunias, phlox, roses, sweet peas, columbines, Canterbury bells, delphiniums etc. You must be a member to enter your flowers, so be sure to join up before the flower show.

roseshowYou don’t have to be a member to attend this terrific show and admission is free!

We have many people exhibit their beautiful tulips, daffodils, bleeding hearts, iris and so many other spring flowers. There are also some beautiful arrangements designed by members using flowers from their gardens. A terrific showing of flowers as usual by our exuberant members. A great way to get the season going!

Flowers to be placed by participants between 4 and 5:15pm. Judging begins at 5:30pm

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Come to a meeting and check us out!

Are you interested in finding out more about the Lakefield Horticultural Society?  Why not come out to a meeting and see what we’re all about? Admission is free to most meetings, and you don’t have to be a member to … Continue reading

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May 14, 7pm – Tony Spencer, Wildscaping: Explorations in Naturalistic Planting Design

Eryngium yuccifolium, Liatris pycnostachya, Rudbeckia fulgida var. deamii, Rudbeckia maxima, Symphyotrichum novae-angliae ‘Septemberrubin’ syn. aster, Silene regia

Wildscaping is about using plant-driven landscape design to create and sustain dynamic garden spaces, filled with beauty and wildlife, to rekindle our relationship to the natural world. Join host Tony Spencer for an encounter with some of the international designers, innovations, issues, and landscapes leading the way – along with a look at his own experimental design projects – to inspire garden-making with a sense of purpose on the wild side.

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Plant sale!! Saturday of the May long weekend

It’s snowing!! It’s windy!! But summer IS coming! I guarantee it!! I know this, because we have our plant sale scheduled!

Mark your calendars. Set your alarms! Get there early!

Funds raised help us to beautify the village of Lakefield.

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Tuesday 7pm Apr. 9 – Ken Brown, Vertical Vegetables


This meeting will be held at the Baptist Church on Regent Street in Lakefield. $10.00 Entry fee. Call or email our treasurer Ceci Leigh to purchase a ticket or for more info.   705-930-3604

Space is a major concern when growing vegetables. At this meeting Ken will show you as many innovative ideas as he can to maximize the use of limited space. He calls these techniques, Vertical Vegetables. There are lots of vegetables that can be grown up, instead of out, such as peas, cucumbers, zucchini etc. There are some that are as decorative as they are useful and Ken will share some fun ways to include vegetables in your landscape.

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Mar. 12 Anna Mizyn, Blooms for butterfly’s

With the increased pressure on the natural habitat our pollinators and butterflies need all the help they can get – Anna will focus on plants that do best in our area and what will assist in attracting the butterflies to your gardens.

Anna plans to bring along several potted perennials for sale as well. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn more about the relationship between plants and butterflies.

free admission. Guests welcome. Lakefield Marshland Centre, Hague Blvd.

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Feb 13-Zoom-Lynne Patenaude, Invasive Species–what can gardeners do?

By Zoom, 7:00pm

Escaped garden plants are the number one source of invasive plants in Canada. Learn which
 common garden plants can escape and invade surrounding natural areas, which native alternatives offer similar beauty, and if you have invasive plants in your garden, how to choose the best option for control.

Due to often inclement weather in February, this meeting will be by Zoom. Members will receive a link a day or two prior to the meeting. Contact Ceci Leigh if you have not yet paid your membership. Contact info on our membership page.



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Speakers 2024

Feb 13-Zoom-Lynne Patenaude, Invasive Species–what can gardeners do?

Escaped garden plants are the number one source of invasive plants in Canada. Learn which
 common garden plants can escape and invade surrounding natural areas, which native alternatives offer similar beauty, and if you have invasive plants in your garden, how to choose the best option for control.

Mar. 12 Anna Mizyn, Blooms for butterfly’s

With the increased pressure on the natural habitat our pollinators and butterflies need all the help they can get – Anna will focus on plants that do best in our area and what will assist in attracting the butterflies to your gardens.

Anna plans to bring along several potted perennials for sale as well. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn more about the relationship between plants and butterflies.

Apr. 9 – Ken Brown, Vertical Vegetables

Space is a major concern when growing vegetables. At this meeting Ken will show you as many innovative ideas as he can to maximize the use of limited space. He calls these techniques, Vertical Vegetables. There are lots of vegetables that can be grown up, instead of out, such as peas, cucumbers, zucchini etc. There are some that are as decorative as they are useful and Ken will share some fun ways to include vegetables in your landscape.

May 14- Tony Spencer, Wildscaping: Explorations in Naturalistic Planting Design

Wildscaping is about using plant-driven landscape design to create and sustain dynamic garden spaces, filled with beauty and wildlife, to rekindle our relationship to the natural world. Join host Tony Spencer for an encounter with some of the international designers, innovations, issues, and landscapes leading the way – along with a look at his own experimental design projects – to inspire garden-making with a sense of purpose on the wild side.

Aug. 13-Walk about Sanctuary Flower Fields with Kelly Convery

Kelly, a former  Peterborough paramedic , has turned her love of flowers into a business  at  Sanctuary Flower  Fields in Ennismore. She grows all her seasonal flowers from seed and offers a variety of services including floral design, U-Pick and her fields provide excellent opportunities for photography- so, bring your camera for this private farm tour!

Sep. 10- Annie Scherz-Natural inks

Creating and using Natural inks isn’t that complicated. You can throw almost any pigment-rich base ingredient into an old pot with some basic ingredients and you have ink! These ingredients can be berries, vegetables, flowers, leaves…the resulting ink can be used to dye paper or fabric! Join us this evening for a hands on demonstration and open your eyes to new ways to look at your garden!

Oct. 8-Laura Keresztesi-Rain Gardens | Green-Up Coordinator, Neighbourhood & Residential Programs.

Do you ever worry about flooding when it rains? Curious about what happens to rain after it hits the ground? Interested in techniques to reduce runoff and keep water clean?  As climate change progresses, so too do more frequent and high-volume rain storms. Laura will share information on designing and installing rain gardens. These gardens can be both practical and beautiful!

Nov. 12-Emma Murphy-The UK’s Gardens, Private and Public

In May 2022 Emma and her husband Grant traveled to southern England — not only to see many of the famous gardens (Sissinghurst, Great Dixter etc.) but also some lesser known beautiful private gardens. She’ll share with us her experiences meeting the people behind these private gardens in Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Sussex; some information about the UK’s National Garden Scheme; and of course, lots of lovely photos!



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Nov. 14th, 7pm-Making a winter container with Lynn Lavoie

The Lakefield Horticultural Society invites you to learn about creating winter planters with their guest speaker Lynn Lavoie. The meeting will be held at the Lakefield Marshland Centre, Hague blvd. Tuesday Nov. 14th at 7pm.

Lynn will bring along lots of winter greenery plus accessories and invite a few guests to try their hand at making a beautiful winter container as well. Using a variety of hardy  greens such as pine, holly berries, colourful branches and accessories, Lynn will give some easy and practical tips so guests can create their own containers.

In addition there will be a short annual general meeting with board members and executive being installed for the 2024 year.

This a free event and guests are welcome to attend.

Thank you  to Anna from Anna’s perennials for the beautiful photograph.


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Oct 10th- Kerry Hackett, “Herb Gardens 1.0: Design, Create, Enjoy! 

As we all know, nutrition is fundamental to our health and well-being. So too is Herbal Medicine. Like the plants we consume as food, Herbal Medicine improves natural function by providing nourishment and strength, allowing the body to return to a vibrant state of health.


Kerry will offer some ideas on designing an herb garden and then using the herbs in our kitchen or “medicine cabinet.”

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Houseplants – Jennifer Guertin

Join us Tuesday Sept. 12th at 7pm at the Marshland centre to learn about houseplants from experienced gardener Jennifer Guertin.

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